Agent and Query Letter Boot Camp

Stephen King Query Letter

I sent my query letters out this month. It’s been a long haul of research, drafting the query, revising, throwing it away, and re-drafting again. Then comes the agent research, reading blogs, making a list, sending out the queries, and the dreaded waiting. Yes, it’s been a process. It feels a little bit like writing a whole new novel!

If you’re in the agent/query stage of your journey, I thought I’d share some fabulous blog posts and websites that have been helpful in this joyful querying campaign!

Why You Need An Agent:

Finding the Perfect Match – Researching Agents:

  • Literary Rambles: This is hands down the best site for researching kidlit agents. Use the list in the left-hand sidebar. This website has collected quotes, submission policies, and a plethora of amazing info on each person listed!
  • Query Tracker: A free database of literary agents.
  • Publisher’s Marketplace: Another great database to research agents and their deals.

Tips and Trick on How to Write and Amazing Query Letter:

When You Get “The Call”:

How to Deal with Waiting…and Waiting…and Waiting:

ellen-dory-finding-nemo-2__oPtDealing with Rejection:

Never give up! In the words of Dory from Finding Nemo: “Just keep swimming.”

Keep on writing!

9 thoughts on “Agent and Query Letter Boot Camp

  1. I really enjoyed reading the books that were rejected by lots of publishers. The two that really surprised me were Carrie and Dune. I loved those! I don’t know what I would have done if they hadn’t been published. Thanks for all the helpful links! 🙂

  2. Ingrid, best of luck! Someone wise once told me obtaining an agent is like finding a significant other. Some will reject you because you’re not their type, and frankly you won’t necessarily want to “settle” for the first one who is interested. You’ve done your research, which is more than a desperate single person does when walking into a bar, so I think you’re on your way!

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