Method Writing

I dyed my hair again! Yes, now I am a lovely shade of peacock blue-green.

It also turns out I’ve been collecting images for my current work-in-progress. The two images on the right are inspirational pictures for one of my characters. Is it a coincidence that I just dyed my hair the same mermaid shade? Perhaps I’ve become a “method writer,” and I need to fully embody my character in order to write authentically!

Does your life mimic your art? ๐Ÿ™‚

Ingrid's Hair

8 thoughts on “Method Writing

  1. Love the color, Ingrid! I would have to die my hair red to match my character. Instead, I find myself slipping and talking in my character’s dialect sometimes! I’m so used to writing it!

  2. I keep a lot of endowed objects from my writing. I just can’t help form collecting them. If my character has yellow roses in her room, I need yellow roses. If she has a certain kind of ring, I need that ring. If she discovers a puzzle box, I go out and find a puzzle box. And on it goes.

    • There’s something about touching and feeling an object that is helpful to writing. Plus who doesn’t want to fill their office with yellow roses and call it research! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Pingback: Process: MY story. THE story. | Write Fiercely

  4. Not really on my person, but my music always takes on a certain flavor depending on what I’m writing. Although, now that I see how fun your hair is I wanna “method write”!!! I’ve been dying to dye my hair various shades of the rainbow for years! But my full time corporate J-O-B kinda prevents me from having that expressive outlet. Method writers unite! Where’s that jar of Manic Panic and a pair of gloves? ๐Ÿ™‚

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